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Belarus deploys aircraft and air defense forces at Ukraine border

Belarus deploys aircraft and air defense forces at Ukraine border Photo: Belarusian military (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Belarus has deployed its aviation and air defense forces along the border with Ukraine, just one day after self-proclaimed President Alexander Lukashenko announced that nearly a third of the country’s military would be stationed along the border, according to AP.

Belarusian military forces have set up anti-aircraft missiles and personnel from the radio-technical corps, Major General Andrei Lukyanovich, commander of the Belarusian Air Defense Forces, stated on national television.

He described this move as a significant increase in military presence. AP notes that the Belarusian army totals approximately 60,000 personnel.

On August 19, Lukashenko announced that Belarus had moved nearly a third of its army to the border with Ukraine. This action is reportedly in response to the presence of over 120,000 Ukrainian troops in the region. Lukashenko suggested that there is a belief in Ukraine that "Putin will once again launch an offensive from Belarusian territory."

Following the incursion of Ukrainian forces into Russia’s Kursk region, Lukashenko has called for negotiations.