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Beijing metro crash: Over 500 hospitalized after train collision

Beijing metro crash: Over 500 hospitalized after train collision Beijing metro crash: Over 500 hospitalized after train collision (Getty Images)

A collision between two metro trains in Beijing during rush hour has resulted in 102 people with broken bones, and over 500 people being hospitalized, BBC and CNN report.

The incident happened on Thursday at around 19:00 local time amid heavy snowfall. Two trains were going downhill on the Changping line.

The accident was attributed to slippery tracks caused by snowstorms, resulting in "signal degradation", said Beijing transport authorities. The first train braked suddenly due to this signal issue, while the following train, unable to brake in time on icy tracks, collided with the rear of the first train. The last two carriages of one of the trains parted.

“The latter train was in a downhill section, and the snowy weather caused it to slide and failed to brake effectively, causing a rear-end collision with the one in front,” the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport said in a statement.

Online images and footage revealed passengers in crowded, darkened carriages because of power cuts.

Beijing metro crash: Over 500 hospitalized after train collision

Beijing subway crash (Weibo screenshot)

Despite shock from Chinese citizens over the high number of injuries, no deaths were reported. By Friday morning, 423 people were discharged from the hospital. 67 people are still undergoing treatment, with 25 under observation.

On an average weekday, the line usually has close to 400,000 passenger trips. Beijing Transport issued an apology for the incident, expressing its commitment to investigate the matter thoroughly and implement any required measures to prevent similar incidents. In response to the "extreme weather," it mandated manual mode for above-ground trains and widened intervals between trains. The affected section of the metro line, spanning three stations, was closed on Friday.

Snowfall in China

Snowfall has disrupted road, rail, and air transport in Beijing, with temperatures expected to sharply decline across northern China. It is expected an 8 to 12 degrees Celsius drop in most parts of the country, potentially bringing Beijing's temperature below -20 degrees Celsius over the weekend. Some cities have closed schools and suspended train services in response to the extreme weather.