ua en ru

Before meeting with Putin, his guests undergo quarantine - The Atlantic

Before meeting with Putin, his guests undergo quarantine - The Atlantic Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)

Russian President Vladimir Putin is obsessed with the idea of immortality. Therefore, his guests may be quarantined for weeks before meetings with him, The Atlantic reports.

As the news agency reports, relatives are forced to move only by car. Meanwhile, his guests must be quarantined before meeting him.

It is worth noting that the Russian President will soon turn 72 years old, while the average life expectancy for men in Russia is 67 years.

According to the source, the Russian Ministry of Health requires research institutes to report on developments in combating sensory and cognitive disorders. They are also studying methods to combat cellular aging, osteoporosis, and attempts to strengthen the immune system.

"The president’s obsession with privacy might be explained in part by how much Russians now know about the personal life of his favorite dictator, Joseph Stalin," the article states.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that according to Russian opposition member Ivan Preobrazhensky, if Putin were to die, a conflict among the ruling elites would begin in Russia. However, there is a 70% likelihood that as a result of this conflict, power will be seized not by the most aggressive faction but by one of the existing clans, which will eliminate some other clans while negotiating with others.

It is also worth noting that Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, stated that he is aware of assassination attempts on Vladimir Putin, but these attempts have so far been unsuccessful.