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Battles near Kupiansk: Border guards impede occupiers' engineering works

Battles near Kupiansk: Border guards impede occupiers' engineering works Photo: border guards prevented the engineering works of the occupiers (Getty Images)

Ukrainian border guards obstructed the engineering works of occupiers in the Kupiansk direction. To achieve this, the soldiers utilized a drone, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

The published footage showcases the combat actions of the Guard Brigade during the Steel Border offensive in the Kupiansk direction.

According to reports, Russian occupiers were conducting engineering works, but our border guards impeded their progress.

Defenders deployed an FPV drone towards the driver of the enemy excavator. The unmanned aerial vehicle entered directly into the vehicle's cabin. As a result, the occupiers were physically unable to continue their engineering work.

Russian army losses

The Russian Ministry of Defense does not disclose the losses of its army and equipment in the war against Ukraine.

Opposition Russian media have compiled a detailed list of over 36,000 occupiers who lost their lives in the war in Ukraine. Among them are at least 197 pilots.

Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that almost 345,000 occupiers have been eliminated. In the last 24 hours alone, our soldiers have destroyed approximately 930 Russians. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, 324 Russian planes and 324 helicopters have also been destroyed.