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Baltic countries to disconnect from common energy system with Russia

Baltic countries to disconnect from common energy system with Russia Photo: The Baltic states will disconnect from the common energy system with Russia (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Baltic states plan to disconnect from the common power grid with Russia and Belarus in early 2025. Instead, they will synchronize with the European power system ENTSO-E, according to the Ministry of Energy of Lithuania.

According to the Ministry, Lithuanian Energy Minister Dainius Kreivys, Latvian Energy Minister Kaspars Melnis, and Estonian Energy Minister Kristen Michal met in Jurmala.

They stated that preparations for the synchronization of the Baltic countries with the ENTSO-E continental European electricity grid are progressing according to plan.

"In the upcoming weeks, the Baltic Transmission System Operators will inform other parties of their joint decision not to renew the BRELL (energy ring of Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - ed.) contract," the Ministry informs.

The Ministry clarified that after that, the Baltic states will test an isolated system and synchronize with the continental European grids in February 2025.

What happened before

The intention of the Baltic states to disconnect from the common energy system with Russia was announced last year.

At that time, it was planned that the states would announce their decision not to extend the contract with BRELL until August 2024.