Ballerina repeats Van Damme's twine stunt and sets world record

Balerina Yara Hdaira became a Guinness World Record holder thanks to a stunt she performed with two motorcyclists. She reproduced the stunt of the famous actor and stuntman Van Damme and impressed with incredible splits.
Yara Khdair, a ballerina originally from Syria, has become a real record holder. She teamed up with Mohamed Alblooshi and Abdullah Alhattawi (both from the UAE) to perform a trick that Jean Claude Van Damme had previously performed.
While performing the stunt, Yara stretched herself on a twine between two ATVs. And so they rode 470 meters - the longest distance in history. The ballerina actually entrusted her life to the two drivers, balancing between their quad bikes on a twine as they drove at 10 km/h across the desert in Dubai, UAE.
The gymnast set a world record (photo:
Yara is a model, rhythmic gymnast, fitness trainer, and ballerina, and she is now 26 years old. She admitted that she hadn't met the guys before, but they met specifically to do this stunt and record the video.
"Of course, confidence was important. And I already had it, because I saw the performance and was sure that we could succeed. We didn't train much because we didn't have much time. But we worked hard, and the achievement was the result of years of fatigue and effort, during which I trained to have such physical fitness and flexibility," she said.
According to the plan, she was supposed to keep her hands up or on her waist, touching anything or anyone was forbidden. And the quad bikes had to move at least 5 km/hour.
The girl who rode the longest distance on the splits (photo:
The attempt was stopped when Yara staggered and grabbed onto the driver to keep from falling. She says she could have ridden longer.
"There is nothing in life that does not contain risks, but we can avoid them if we train well. I am used to risk. All the sports I do involve risk. I also do paragliding, horseback riding and diving. For me, these sports increase my concentration, precision, and clear thinking," said Yara.
Yara goes in for various sports (photo:
She added that she always strives to break records in her life and strives to succeed - "she can't live without goals and ambitions."
"I am, of course, happy and proud to have achieved my success after years of hard work. And I still strive to be the person people have always known me to be," she said.
The athlete dedicated her record to her family and those who supported her, as well as to her native Syria and the UAE, the country where she was accepted and helped to realize her dreams.
It is worth adding that the once famous actor Jean Claude Van Damme starred in a commercial where he sat on a twine between two trucks. This video became the most popular car ad in the history of YouTube.