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Bad dreams alert: This sleep position may cause nightmares

Bad dreams alert: This sleep position may cause nightmares This sleep position may cause nightmares (

The way you sleep can affect how well and how long you sleep as certain sleeping positions might make you more likely to have bad dreams, according to Tom's Guide.

A study found that people who sleep on their left side may have more nightmares compared to those who sleep on their right side because sleeping on your left side puts more stress on the heart.

What is more, sleeping on your back may also lead to more nightmares. Breathing issues like sleep apnea, which can be worse when sleeping on the back, might be a reason for bad dreams.

“People who experience nocturnal breathing issues are more likely to jump from deep to light sleep and experience anxiety-themed dreams," says dream expert Theresa Cheung. "To date, there isn't enough research to suggest that sleep position can impact dreams, but there is solid research to suggest that breathing issues cause poor quality sleep."

How to sleep to avoid nightmares

If you want to avoid nightmares, the expert suggests trying different sleep positions. Sleeping on your right side might be better for having positive and healing dreams, but it's not ideal if you have heartburn. However, sleep positions are not the only factor influencing dreams—your sleep environment and bedtime routine matter too. Comfort is crucial for good sleep, so pay attention to your sleep habits and consider investing in a suitable mattress for better sleep quality.

We also wrote about what is better, a warm bath or a cold shower, for optimizing sleep and what will happen if you sleep for only 5 hours.

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