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Azerbaijani President promises to help overseas territories of France become independent

Azerbaijani President promises to help overseas territories of France become independent Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev (photo: Getty Images)

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has pledged support to France's overseas territories, including New Caledonia and the Comoros Islands, in their aspirations for independence, according to Reuters.

Azerbaijan's leader made this statement during a speech at a media forum, just days before the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris.

"We will support you until you are free," Aliyev declared, referring to the French territories, which he said remain under the influence of colonialism.

The President of Azerbaijan noted that some countries are still suffering from it.

"The Comoros islands, Mayotte are still under colonial rule. It has been our duty to help these countries liberate themselves from this revolting remnant from the past," Aliyev emphasized.

Congress in Baku

Earlier this week, a so-called initiative group organized a congress in Azerbaijan's capital, Baku, which independence supporters from New Caledonia and other French overseas territories, including Corsica and islands in the Caribbean and Pacific attended.

As reported by French media, participants at the event sharply criticized the French authorities, and the Azerbaijani delegation was invited to visit New Caledonia.

What preceded it

Azerbaijani authorities have accused France of alleged bias in favor of Armenia, particularly in efforts to reach a peace agreement to end the thirty-year conflict in the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

In May, Paris accused Baku of interference and incitement to unrest in New Caledonia. However, Azerbaijan denied supporting local separatists.

Previously, it was reported that France declared a state of emergency in this overseas territory in the Pacific Ocean near Australia and deployed troops to the island state amid recent uprisings.

On May 16, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal stated that military personnel were deployed in New Caledonia to ensure security at ports and the airport. Additionally, the social network TikTok was banned in the area.