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Avdiivka's fighting: Occupants trying to cut the road, logistics complicated

Avdiivka's fighting: Occupants trying to cut the road, logistics complicated Russian invaders try to cut the road to Avdiivka (Photo: Getty Images)

Russian occupiers continued to shell the roads leading to Avdiivka, complicating the evacuation of residents and the delivery of humanitarian aid. The enemy attempts to keep the road under constant fire control, according to the Chief of the Avdiivka Municipal Military Administration (MMA), Vitalii Barabash, in an interview with Radio Svoboda.

According to the administration representative, as of this morning, 1601 people remain in Avdiivka, and residents are reluctant to leave the city, making convincing them a challenging task. Barabash added that evacuation has not been carried out for the last three days but is planned for today.

He described the logistics situation as very difficult.

"22 kilometers to the city are constantly under shelling - both during the day and at night. Consequently, this greatly complicates both evacuation and the import of humanitarian aid. Any logistics are all through one road," Barabash notes.

The head of the MMA talked about attempts by Russian occupiers to cut off the road to Avdiivka and keep it under constant shelling.

"If they have the opportunity, weather permitting, they launch 'Orlan' drones, monitor the road. Any movement for them is a signal to open fire," the official says.

Russian Federation's offensive on Avdiivka

Last week, Russian forces intensified their offensive on Avdiivka. Occupiers actively shell the city and neighboring settlements. The Chief of the Avdiivka MMA, Vitaliy Barabash, mentioned that this offensive is the most extensive since 2014.

The head of the municipal, military administration also reported that the enemy would not cease their attacks in the Avdiivka area despite insane losses in personnel and equipment.

Moreover, after a relative lull, occupiers have once again intensified their attempts to encircle the city. Despite this, there are still civilians in Avdiivka.

Previously, in an RBC-Ukraine material, experts explained what the goals of Russian troops were in their attempts to capture the city.