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Avdiivka-Pokrovsk direction remains Russia's top front line focus: British intelligence

Avdiivka-Pokrovsk direction remains Russia's top front line focus: British intelligence Photo: Avdiivka-Pokrovsk remains the main destination for Russia (Getty Images)

Russian forces continue offensive operations simultaneously on several sections of the front. The Avdiivka-Pokrovsk direction remains the main focus of Russia's military efforts, according to the UK Ministry of Defence on X.

"It is likely, that the Avdiivka-Pokrovsk sector in Donetsk Oblast remains Russian main efforts, and consequently has seen the highest operational tempo by Russian forces over the last month," the report states.

British intelligence noted that Russian troops have continued their advance north and west of Ocheretyne toward Pokrovsk. They have also made slight progress toward the village of New York — a well-fortified area and the last point of the contact line that existed before Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022.

The UK Ministry of Defence suggests that the Russians might have taken a tactical pause around Chasiv Yar, focusing on reconnaissance.

"Near the Donetsk Oblast town of Chasiv Yar, there have been no significant changes in territorial control. It has been reported that major Russian infantry assaults have stopped over the past few days and that Russian forces are largely operating in dispersed small, dismounted squads," the intelligence report says.

Frontline situation

Over the past few months, the Pokrovsk (formerly Avdiivka) direction has remained the hottest area of the front. Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian units repelled 36 enemy assaults there.

Additionally, the Russians remain active in the Toretsk, Kupiansk, and Lyman directions. Yesterday, Ukrainian forces continued to repel attacks by the Russians in the northern part of the Kharkiv region.