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Avdiivka defense: Three objectives achieved by Ukrainian Armed Forces

Avdiivka defense: Three objectives achieved by Ukrainian Armed Forces The expert named three goals that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already achieved in the defense of Avdiivka (Getty Images)

Russian troops continue to try to surround Avdiivka. The only relative success of the occupiers was the capture of the southern industrial zone, which allowed them to start fighting in the nearby private sector. At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding the line and inflicting significant losses on the enemy, preventing them from gaining a foothold, according to military expert Oleksandr Musiienko's statements in his RBC-Ukraine article "Ukrainian achievements in Avdiivka and fierce Russian assaults: Frontline overview."

The defense of Avdiivka has already achieved three important goals.

The first, he says, is the destruction of personnel and the reduction of the offensive potential of Russian troops, which prevented them from achieving operational and strategic success.

The second is that Avdiivka has drawn in Russian reserves, preventing them from advancing on a wide front in the east.

"Thirdly, the defense of the city did not lead to the redeployment of large Ukrainian forces from the South, and we, for example, were not forced to abandon the battle for the bridgehead in Krynky (left bank of Kherson region - ed.)," the expert notes.

Fighting for Avdiivka

In early October, Russian occupants intensified fighting near Avdiivka. This offensive is considered the largest since 2014.

A month ago, UK intelligence reported that Russia's attacks on Avdiivka had increased the aggressor country's losses by 90%. At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported huge losses of the occupiers - they have lost 6,500 soldiers in the Avdiivka area alone since October 10.

According to the White House, as of mid-December, Russian terrorists suffered more than 13,000 casualties along the Avdiivka-Novopavlivka axis. In particular, our soldiers destroyed over 220 combat vehicles.

On December 28, the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that Ukrainian soldiers regained their previously lost position in the Avdiivka direction