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August 3 horoscope: What retrograde Saturn has in store and what to avoid

August 3 horoscope: What retrograde Saturn has in store and what to avoid What retrograde Saturn will bring (illustration:

Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova has prepared a forecast for August 3. It turns out that retrograde Saturn will influence people's lives on Saturday.

Exclusively for RBC-Ukraine (Styler project), Solovyova shared key advice for the day and revealed which color will bring luck and protect against the effects of the retrograde.

Astrological forecast for August 3 - key advice for this Saturday

The day will be unfavorable for new ventures and important decisions, surgical and dental procedures, or visiting the hairdresser.

"Do not schedule important negotiations, signing new contracts, purchasing equipment, significant business trips, taking exams, making crucial payments, or resolving disputes with neighbors on this day," Solovyova advised.

"It's a stressful day, with insufficient accumulated energy from the Moon, and the negativity increases only to be burned away at the time of the New Moon," she added.

Consider the following advice and warnings:

  • Avoid alcohol and sexual activity
  • Depression and melancholy may arise
  • Monitor your thoughts and the events of this day
  • View the day's challenges as lessons from higher forces, pointing out problems that need resolution and are the results we have earned
  • Transform negative thoughts into positive ones using psychocorrection techniques
  • Let go of false connections and distance yourself from bothersome people
  • Complete ongoing tasks, finalize outcomes, repay debts, and prepare necessary reports.

It is beneficial to fast, cleanse the body, and dedicate time to water treatments.

August 3 horoscope: What retrograde Saturn has in store and what to avoid

Astro tips for Saturday (illustration:

What surprises does Saturn have in store?

"August 3 is Saturday, the day of Saturn, the planet of wisdom, limitations, duties, time, responsibility, laws, overcoming difficulties, order, and karma. Astrologers also refer to it as the great misfortune," noted the astrologer.

"Remember: Saturn generously rewards those who study its lessons and pass its exams by enduring its trials. Saturn is currently in retrograde," she added.

Today, everyone is fulfilling some obligation to themselves or others. Some are tidying up their affairs, some are cleaning, while others deliberately avoid any activity.

"You can balance Saturn's influence through honesty, diligence, and care for others, especially the elderly and those who have lost their homes. Spend time on household chores, self-improvement, adhere to a routine, and treat your own and others' time with care and respect," Solovyova advises.

Additionally, read the Tarot horoscope for the week for all zodiac signs.