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Attack on Kherson region: Death toll rises as child dies in hospital

Attack on Kherson region: Death toll rises as child dies in hospital Attack on Kherson region: Death toll rises as child dies in hospital (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The number of casualties due to the massive Russian shelling of the Kherson region on August 13 has increased. A child died in the hospital, according to the Kherson Regional Military Administration.

A 12-year-old boy, who was rescued from the rubble of a house in Shyroka Balka, died in the hospital, An enemy projectile took the lives of his parents and his younger sister, who was less than a month old.

As of 1.00 pm, due to today's shelling in the Kherson region, 7 civilians have been killed.

Shelling of the Kherson region

This morning, the occupants struck Shyroka Balka with artillery fire. A local resident and a family - a man, his wife, and a baby - were killed there. Also, due to the shelling in the village of Stanislav, two men were killed, and another woman was injured.

Additionally, Russian shells left a part of Kherson without electricity. The attacks damaged a power line.