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ATESH partisans scouted arsenal of Russian Black Sea Fleet in occupied Sevastopol

ATESH partisans scouted arsenal of Russian Black Sea Fleet in occupied Sevastopol Partisans scouted the arsenal of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea (Illustrative photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian partisans conducted reconnaissance of one of the arsenals of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the occupied city of Sevastopol, according to the partisan movement ATESH.

An agent of the movement conducted reconnaissance at the 17th arsenal, which is responsible for storing ammunition and servicing the equipment of the Black Sea Fleet. Materials and munitions supplied to naval units during operations were discovered at the site.

The arsenal is secured with high levels of security measures, including observation towers, extended guard posts, and patrols.

Partisan movement ATESH (photo:

Activities of partisans in occupied Crimea

Ukrainian partisans are actively conducting reconnaissance in occupied Crimea, gathering information about Russian forces' facilities and relaying it to the Armed Forces for further strikes.

Recently, the ATESH partisans monitored locations of equipment, patrols, and posts within a military unit in Simferopol that specializes in radiological and biological protection.

Earlier, agents of the movement observed the transportation of S-300 missiles for air defense systems in the vicinity of the Crimean Bridge.

Additionally, partisans identified new defensive structures and military equipment at the Angarsk training ground in Crimea.