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At least 3,000 Hamas militants took part in October 7 attack on Israel - IDF

At least 3,000 Hamas militants took part in October 7 attack on Israel - IDF At least 3,000 Hamas militants took part in October 7 attack on Israel (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

At least 3,000 militants took part in the attack on Israel on October 7, surpassing initial estimates of 1,500 to 2,000 individuals, according to the Times of Israel.

The new information is based on intelligence gathered during interrogations of captured members of the Hamas group. The calculations and modeling took into account only armed combatants, excluding the civilian residents of the Gaza Strip who exploited breaches in the border fence to enter Israel.

It is asserted that during the first two days of hostilities, approximately 1,000 Hamas members were killed within the territory of Israel, with an additional 200 taken as prisoners.

Israeli ground operation

On October 7, Hamas militants launched a large-scale incursion into Israel. During this attack, they killed and kidnapped both military personnel and civilians. In response, Israel initiated the Operation Iron Swords and began regularly targeting objectives in the Gaza Strip.

On October 27, the Israeli army intensified its attacks on Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces also announced an expansion of their ground operation.

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared the commencement of the third phase of the military operation against the Hamas group. This phase involves an expansion of ground incursions into the Gaza Strip.