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Astrological forecast for December 22: Expert's advice for this day

Astrological forecast for December 22: Expert's advice for this day What to do this Sunday (illustration:
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The astrological forecast for December 22 promises an interesting day, but it’s important to keep in mind all the key aspects. On Sunday, it’s advisable to avoid lying completely.

Exclusively for RBC-Ukraine (Styler project), Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova provided a detailed forecast for December 22 and shared what should be done on this day to avoid losing happiness.

Astro forecast for December 22

“Dangerous manifestations of lies, flattery, and sycophancy: they offer short-term gains by abandoning principles, but this will quickly become known and ruin your reputation. It’s a period for moving forward, a time for records and feats. A day full of activity, creativity, bravery, voluntary sacrifice, perseverance in achieving goals, and the ability to triumph and succeed,” Solovyova advised.

“One must be honest and fair even in the small things. It’s a favorable day for politicians, reformers, showmen, and producers. Group activities, mass gatherings, and collective problem discussions will be beneficial. Success will come from tasks related to responsibility and duty. In addition, it’s worth finding time for walks in nature,” she added.

It’s also important to keep in mind the retrograde Mars and the shadow period of Mercury. It’s better to postpone new and very important tasks to other days.

Таро-гороскоп на п'ятницю (ілюстрація:

Horoscope for Sunday (illustration:

Astro lifehacks for December 22

This Sunday is ruled by the Sun, which governs our inner "self," consciousness, worldview, life force, energy, health, individuality, temperament, self-realization, self-expression, and integrity.

On this day, it’s better not to start new activities related to the actions of the Sun: leisure with children, various entertainment and gambling activities, public speaking, or romantic adventures. However, attending concerts, shows, and performances is fine.

“It's better not to enhance the Sun’s energy by wearing orange, golden, or yellow clothing, using symbols of the Sun (sunflowers, lions), wearing gold jewelry, or overindulging in oranges,” the astrologer warned.

Готуйтеся до несподіванок. Астролог дала прогноз на 21 грудня, який не варто ігнорувати

The main prohibitions for Sunday (illustration:

What to know about this day

On December 22, from 9:01 AM to 11:01 AM, the Moon, which influences our emotions, psyche, subconscious, instincts, moods, and emotional sensitivity, will be in the royal degree of Virgo.

“During this period, it’s effective to conduct a review of affairs and items, analyze, compare, verify, assess the effectiveness of previous projects, clarify the circumstances of various situations, identify flaws, and correct mistakes in any area of life,” Solovyova noted.

Then, from 9:08 PM to 11:08 PM, the Moon will be in the destructive degree of Libra.

“This destructive degree is a test of sacrifice: only through trials can you receive help and rewards for your endurance. It brings challenges to strength, endurance, and resilience. In Libra, this degree brings a dual nature: destruction and renewal,” the astrologer reminded.

That’s why Solovyova advises against scheduling important tasks during this period that involve areas of responsibility governed by the Moon.

Earlier, it became known which zodiac signs receive good news from the tarot horoscope.