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Assassination attempt on Slovak PM: Media reveals name of alleged shooter

Assassination attempt on Slovak PM: Media reveals name of alleged shooter Archive photo: Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (Getty Images)

Today, May 15, in the Slovak city of Handlová, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, was wounded. The police detained the attacker at the scene, according to Aktuality and Plus 7 dni.

According to, the attacker of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic is a 71-year-old individual named J.C., who allegedly fired several shots at Fico. Meanwhile, according to the information from the weekly magazine Plus 7 dni, it is said to be the writer Juraj Cintula.

There are claims from a witness on the internet that Cintula initially shouted at Fico, who approached him to shake his hand, after which the shots were fired.

Police immediately arrested the attacker after the assault.

What is known about Cintula

According to the source, Cintula is a writer and poet, one of the founders of the Literary Club DÚHA. He has published several poetry collections. In 2016, he worked in a private security service. Media reported that Cintula openly expressed his hatred for Fico on social media. contacted the son of the shooting suspect. He is shocked by the situation but confirmed that his father had legal firearms.

"I absolutely do not know what my father intended, what he planned, why this happened... I'll tell you this - he didn't vote for him. That's all I can say about it," the son said.

The man denied that his father ever openly talked about an attack or killing a politician. He also denied that the 71-year-old man was mentally ill.

"Maybe there was some short circuit, I don't know. He is strong, but not to deal with a psychiatrist or similar things," added the son.

Previously, we reported that today there was a shooting near the Slovak government meeting place.

More details about the condition of the Slovak Prime Minister and what is known about the motives can be found in the material of RBC-Ukraine.

We also collected the main facts about the scandalous Prime Minister of Slovakia and his position on the war in Ukraine.