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Anticipated topics for Zelenskyy-Biden talks in Washington: Insight from political analyst

Anticipated topics for Zelenskyy-Biden talks in Washington: Insight from political analyst The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the President of the United States Joe Biden (Photo: Getty Images)

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy might discuss with his American counterpart Joe Biden a contingency plan in case Congress doesn't approve new funding assistance for our country, states political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

According to him, if Congress doesn't approve funding for Ukraine, our country needs to negotiate assistance for the next couple of months.

"The second is a more strategic task - the coordination of a comprehensive political strategy for the next year, related to systemic support for Ukraine. What needs to be done, how to help us so that we at least withstand the increased Russian pressure, and if possible, turn the situation in our favor," he emphasizes.

He also doesn't exclude Euro-Atlantic integration in the context of the NATO summit next year in Washington and security guarantees. Additionally, the parties may raise the issue of peace talks with Russia, their strategy, and tactics if Ukraine fails to break the situation on the front in 2024.

"There is nothing wrong here; different options should be considered. A strategic pause in the war may be extremely necessary for us. Someone may not like it, but such a need may arise. And therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about a negotiating option that would be acceptable to us. And also determine what things will be unacceptable in the negotiation process," the political scientist adds.

Zelenskyy-Biden meeting

Just yesterday, on December 10, it was announced that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will meet with the President of the United States, Joe Biden, on December 11.

Additionally, on December 12, the Ukrainian President scheduled an address before American senators.

This visit comes amid differences in the US Congress regarding a package that includes funding assistance for Ukraine. Republicans want the White House to include their proposals to strengthen border security.

For more details about Zelenskyy's goals for the trip to the US, refer to RBC-Ukraine's material.