ua en ru

Another dam burst in Russia: Damage, fatality, missing people reported

Another dam burst in Russia: Damage, fatality, missing people reported Photo: Dam burst in Russian Karelia (screenshot from video)

Another dam has burst in Russia. This time, the incident occurred in the Republic of Karelia. As a result of the accident, one person has died, and there are injured and missing individuals, according to Russian media.

According to the media, on July 29 in Karelia, between the 10th and 11th locks of the Belomorsk-Baltic Canal, a temporary bridge installed for reconstruction was washed away. The water flooded all the nearby villages.

According to one of the Russian Telegram channels, the water flow practically demolished a dam that was 8 meters high and 10 meters wide. It was built temporarily as a precaution during the repair of the main dam.

Overall, 13 houses were destroyed due to the dam's breach. One fatality has been confirmed, and there are also injured individuals. Six people went missing, though some of them were eventually found.

Dam burst in Russia

On July 26, a dam of the Kialim Reservoir in the city of Karabash, Chelyabinsk region, was breached, flooding a large number of houses.

In April, the city of Orsk in the Orenburg region also experienced flooding due to a dam breach. Local authorities at that time urged residents to evacuate urgently due to the risk of flooding.