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Announced number of cyber-attacks by Russian hackers against Ukraine

Announced number of cyber-attacks by Russian hackers against Ukraine The U.S. Treasury Department has revealed the number of attacks by Russian hackers against Ukraine (Photo: GettyImages)

Russian hackers have been attacking Ukrainian infrastructure since the war began. The U.S. Treasury Department has announced the number of cases identified, according to the U.S. Department for the Treasury.

During the initial stages of the conflict in Ukraine, Russians executed numerous cyberattacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, targeting financial institutions. Yet as of April 2023, the number of such incidents had significantly declined, and their level of activity had decreased.

"In the weeks following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russian state-sponsored cyber actors conducted a wave of cyberattacks against Ukrainian infrastructure, including several attacks targeting financial services sector entities. By April 2023, there was a significant drop in these incidents, and a lull in state-sponsored activity has continued," the Ministry stated.

Additionally, Russia persists in carrying out cyberattacks in Ukraine to cause disruption and destabilization. It also engages in network penetration and espionage in countries that support Ukraine. Furthermore, Russia executes cyber-influence operations on individuals worldwide.

"The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) recorded nearly 4,000 cyber incidents between January 2022 and September 2023. This represents a three-fold increase in cyber activity to the pre-war period," the Ministry stated.

The cyber war between Russia and Ukraine extends beyond government agency attacks. Hackers from both sides have also targeted various organizations, including financial institutions, using relatively straightforward techniques like distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

"In June 2023, pro-Russia hacktivist group NoName057(16) threatened to target Ukraine’s financial sector. In the following four days, numerous Ukrainian banks were targeted with DDoS attacks. Targets included four of the nation's largest commercial banks, including First Ukrainian International Bank (PUMB), State Savings Bank of Ukraine (Oschadbank), Credit Agricole Bank, and Universal Bank," the Ministry stated.

Russian cyberattacks on Ukraine

Previously, we reported that Russian hackers attempted to hack Ukrainian phones via the Signal messenger app. The Air Force provided instructions on how to safeguard against data loss.

Recently, it was discovered that Russian hackers launched a cyberattack on Ukraine's energy system in the previous year, which coincided with the extensive shelling of the energy sector by Russian forces.

Previously, the Ukrainian Security Service reported that they stopped Russian special services from accessing the electronic system used to plan operations for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.