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Air Force shows video of shooting down Russian reconnaissance drones

Air Force shows video of shooting down Russian reconnaissance drones Illustrative photo: The air force shot down Shahed on July 16 (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian military destroyed an enemy reconnaissance drone launched in southern Ukraine on July 16, according to the Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk.

According to Oleshchuk, enemy reconnaissance drones pose a serious threat to the Ukrainian Defense Forces. That is why they need to be destroyed using all available means, efficiently and with no chance for the enemy.

“For your attention - combat work on enemy drones in the south of the country on July 16, 2024,” he wrote under the video.

Night drone attack on Ukraine

On Monday evening, July 15, Russia once again launched several groups of Shahed drones over the territory of Ukraine. Air defense forces managed to destroy two enemy drones.

However, two more drones left the territory of Ukraine and flew to Belarus.