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Air defense forces destroyed all Shaheds drones heading towards Kyiv - KRMA

Air defense forces destroyed all Shaheds drones heading towards Kyiv - KRMA As a result of the Russian drone attack, there are no casualties in Kyiv (photo: Getty Images)

All of the strike drones launched by the Russians at Kyiv were destroyed by the air defense forces. There are no casualties among the population, according to the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, Serhii Popko.

He reminded that enemy drones of the Shahed type began entering Ukrainian territory from various directions before midnight and approached Kyiv around three in the morning.

"The declared air alert in the capital lasted only 18 minutes. But during this time, the air defense systems over Kyiv were working loudly. All drones threatening the capital were destroyed! None of the enemy drones reached their target," Popko noted.

According to him, as a result of the attack by Russian strike drones, debris was reported to have fallen at four different addresses in the Pecherskyi district. A fire in an open area of 50 square meters was detected and promptly extinguished.

Popko added that there are no casualties or damage in the city at this preliminary stage. He also mentioned that in the neighboring regions of Kyiv, the drone attack is still ongoing and they could change course towards the capital.

Nighttime kamikaze drone attack

The Russians began launching Shahed drones in waves on the evening of Friday, September 6.

Around 2:00 a.m., explosions were heard in the Kyiv region due to the work of air defense.

After 3:00 a.m., an air alert was declared in Kyiv.

Shortly thereafter, a series of powerful explosions were heard in the capital as air defense systems engaged the drones.

Debris from the downed drones fell in several districts. There are no reported casualties or damage.