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Air alarm in Ukraine for sixth time, August 25

Air alarm in Ukraine for sixth time, August 25 Air Alarm in Ukraine declared for the sixth time on August 25 (photo: Getty Images)

In Ukraine, a large-scale air alarm has been declared for the sixth time in a day, spreading to all regions of the country.

The Ukrainian Air Force has reported that the air alarm has been declared due to the launch of the MiG-31K fighter and the subsequent missile threat it poses.

As the alarm continues, all individuals are urged to seek shelter or, if feasible, adhere to the 'two-wall' safety rule.

Where was the alarm declared

As of 23:40, the map of air alarms in Ukraine looks like this:

В Україні вшосте оголосили масштабну повітряну тривогу: повідомляють про зліт МіГ-31К

Earlier, an air alarm was declared in the Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions. There, they are warning of the threat of drone attacks similar to Shahed.