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Against backdrop of divorce rumors: Jennifer Lopez appears in public in stunning outfit

Against backdrop of divorce rumors: Jennifer Lopez appears in public in stunning outfit Jennifer Lopez (photo:

Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez appeared at a public event for the first time since rumors of her separation from Ben Affleck, according to Daily Mail.

Jennifer Lopez appeared at the premiere of the movie Atlas

In recent days, everyone has been discussing the turmoil in the seemingly perfect Hollywood family of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck.

Their beautiful story of reuniting after 20 years apart may once again come to an end.

According to rumors in the media, two years of happy family life for the stars have come to an end: the couple has separated and is looking for new accommodation.

Ben took off his ring, while J.Lo continues to act as if nothing has happened.

Recently, the celebrity appeared in public for the first time since rumors of her separation from her husband surfaced.

She attended the premiere of the movie Atlas in Los Angeles, where she played the lead role.

On the red carpet, the singer wore an elegant black skirt and a white bandeau top. Among the plethora of refined accessories, attentive journalists noticed the ring, which she decided to keep on her finger, unlike her former husband Ben Affleck.

На тлі чуток про розлучення з Аффлеком: Дженніфер Лопес з’явилася на публіці в ефектному образі

Jennifer Lopez (photo: Getty Images)

It's worth noting that the fantastic action movie Atlas featuring J.Lo will join the library of the streaming service Netflix on May 24th.