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Aftermath of attack on oil depot in Adygea, Russia: Satellite images released

Aftermath of attack on oil depot in Adygea, Russia: Satellite images released Satellite images of the aftermath of the attack on the oil depot in Russia released (photo: Getty Images)

On June 20, Ukrainian defenders attacked an oil depot in Russia's Adygea with drones. Satellite images of the aftermath of the attack have been released.

On the night of June 20, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked an oil depot in the village of Enem with drones. The oil depot belongs to Lukoil Yugnefteprodukt.

Satellite images show that the attack destroyed at least one building and damaged a hangar next to it. Apparently, the fuel tanks themselves were not damaged.

The head of the Adygea Republic, Marat Kumpilov, reported a fire as a result of the attack. According to the Russian official, the fire covered an area of 400 square meters.

Attacks on oil refineries in Russia

On the night of June 20, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Security Service of Ukraine attacked a fuel and lubricant warehouse in the Tambov region. The defenders also attacked the Enem oil depot in Adygea.

On June 21, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked four oil refineries in the Russian Federation with drones.

In addition, Russian radar stations and radar intelligence centers in the Bryansk region and Crimea were attacked that night. In the Krasnodar region, the storage and training facilities of the Shahed drones were hit.