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After morning lull, Russians ramp up activity in Kharkiv direction

After morning lull, Russians ramp up activity in Kharkiv direction Photo: how the situation changed in the Kharkiv direction on the morning of May 19 (Getty Images)

After a lull observed since the morning of May 19 on the Kharkiv direction, Russian troops have once again intensified. The enemy has already launched seven assaults on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"On the Kharkiv front, occupiers have intensified with seven recent clashes reported. The situation is dynamic, with the enemy attempting to push Ukrainian defense forces near Vovchansk, Starytsia, and Lyptsi villages," according to the report.

Additionally, near Lukiantsi village, Russian troops conducted an airstrike using five guided bombs.

"Ukrainian military are holding their ground, engaging in responsive fire and counterattacks in localized areas," the General Staff noted as of 13:30.

Kupiansk direction

On the Kupiansk direction, enemy aviation conducted strikes in the area near Petropavlivka; details are being clarified.

"As of now, Ukrainian forces have repelled four attacks, with two ongoing. Clashes occurred near Synkivka, Ivanivka, Berestove, and Stelmakhivka. The invaders are sustaining losses, with details being clarified," stated the military command's press service.

Situation on the Kharkiv front

Since the morning of May 19, the General Staff initially noted no significant enemy activity on the Kharkiv front. Ukrainian forces maintain control over enemy actions.

The Institute for the Study of War suggests that despite Russian forces continuing advances in areas around Lyptsi and Vovchansk, the front line remains unchanged.

Occupiers prioritize capturing Vovchansk to gain tactical advantage for further advances into the Kharkiv region.