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Advice for Ukrainians encountering enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups

Advice for Ukrainians encountering enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups What to do if you see enemy special forces or saboteurs (photo: Getty Images)

If your settlement is located in a de-occupied territory or in a border zone with Russia, there is a significant likelihood of actions by enemy sabotage groups. Ukrainians have been provided with advice in this regard, according to the National Resistance Center (NRC).

It's worth paying attention if suspicious individuals:

  • should have a clear/distinctive Russian accent;
  • are not familiar with the local area;
  • engage in photo/video documentation of the surroundings;
  • place markers;
  • ask for a mobile phone to make a call.

What to do:

  • remember their characteristics (clothing, appearance, physical features). WARNING: Do not under any circumstances take photos or videos of these individuals. It can be dangerous!
  • do not show them your documents, do not give directions.
  • do not give them your phone for a call, but if you did, note the number they dialed.
  • inform the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) by all available means about the time and place where you saw potential saboteurs, as well as their number, the content of their conversation, license plate numbers, car color and make, direction of travel, and any distinctive features.

Report immediately to:

  • to the official SBU chatbot or on Telegram @stop_russian_war_bot;
  • to the contact numbers of the territorial defense in your region or by calling 102.

If there are territorial defense or law enforcement representatives nearby, try to detain the saboteurs. Do this only if you are confident in your abilities and have a numerical advantage over the enemy.

Attempted breakthrough of Russian sabotage and reconnaissance group (DRG) in Chernihiv region.

On August 1, a Russian sabotage and reconnaissance group (DRG) attempted to break through in the Semenivka community of Chernihiv region. The occupiers were trying to penetrate Ukrainian territory from the Russian side. Later, Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiy Naiev, revealed that in a month, the Ukrainian Armed Forces had eliminated four enemy DRGs in the northern region.

Earlier, in Sumy region, an evacuation was announced from a 5-kilometer border zone with Russia. This measure was taken due to an increase in artillery shelling and attempts by Russian DRGs, which had become more frequent, to breach into Ukrainian territory.