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Absolute majority supports Ukraine's EU accession talks, MFA states

Absolute majority supports Ukraine's EU accession talks, MFA states Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

The absolute majority of EU member states support the start of official negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union, despite resistance from Hungary, according to a statement by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba at a joint press conference with his Dutch counterpart Hanke Bruins Slot in Kyiv on December 5.

A Ukrainian official believes that overcoming Budapest's resistance on this matter requires "a lot of work" because "nothing comes easy."

"You are all in the information space and see the tension created by Hungary around this issue," Kuleba says.

He notes that during the visit to the Ukrainian capital, the Dutch Foreign Minister assured Amsterdam's support for the EU leaders' decision to start negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the bloc.

The Ukrainian minister adds that the preparation for this European Council meeting was one of the main topics of their conversation and expressed gratitude to Bruins Slot for the Netherlands' position.

The official anticipates a "historic decision" to commence negotiations on Ukraine's membership at the summit on December 14-15, as there is an "absolute majority" within the EU supporting them.

Negotiations with the EU regarding Ukraine's accession

In November, the European Commission released a report on Ukraine's progress and that of other countries on the path to EU membership. The document recommended starting negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova.

The consent of all EU member countries is needed for such a decision. The issue will be discussed at the summit of the bloc's leaders on December 14-15.

Hungary has already openly opposed the start of negotiations for Ukraine's accession to the European Union. According to reports, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is attempting to convince EU officials not to raise the negotiation issue at the summit.

On December 5, European Union ambassadors began discussions on the proposal to initiate negotiations for Ukraine's accession to the bloc.