6 types of relaxation that will improve your life

Resting can take various forms, and the most interesting aspect is that everyone has their own methods to relax both body and soul.
Different types and activities of relaxation are discussed by the Psychology Online portal.
Emotional relaxation
Find time and space to express your feelings. Engage in activities that bring you positive emotions or a sense of tranquility. Healthy and trusting relationships with others can also bring emotional relief and release.
Social relaxation
Surround yourself with people who support and nourish you, with whom you feel comfortable. Also, don't forget to spend time alone to recharge. This can also be a form of relaxation.
Creative relaxation
Enjoy the beauty of nature, and works of art, or engage yourself in art. Paint, sing, sculpt with clay—choose anything that you enjoy.
Sensory relaxation
Bright screen lights, background noise, and the numerous sounds of work chats can overstimulate our sensory systems. During the workday, simply close your eyes for a minute. After work, give yourself some time without gadgets, and turn off notifications in work chats.
Types of Recreation (Photo: Freepik)
Physical relaxation
It can be either passive or active. Passive involves activities like sleep, while active includes rejuvenating practices such as yoga, stretching, massage, etc.
Mental relaxation
Relaxation during which we "switch off" the brain. Engage in activities that don't require mental effort: washing dishes, taking a walk, cleaning, etc. Breathing exercises are also an excellent way to switch the brain into relaxation mode.
Earlier, we discussed signs that can help identify violence in relationships.
Also, read about 7 phrases used by confident people.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.