5 unexpected reasons for constant clutter at home

Even with regular cleaning, a sense of disorder can sometimes persist in the home. What could be the cause of this, and what design solutions can help fix the situation?
Here are 5 hidden reasons why your home may feel cluttered, and how to eliminate them.
Open shelves
Open shelves look aesthetically pleasing only when they hold minimal decor and are regularly dusted. The hardest place to maintain order is on kitchen shelves, where grease can accumulate along with dust.
A more practical solution would be closed display cabinets: dishes, books, and figurines will be visible, but the need for frequent cleaning will disappear. Additional lighting will create a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen or living room.
Too much texture and clean shades
Decorative elements on walls and ceilings look beautiful but require regular maintenance. An alternative could be various textures in furniture.
Materials that mimic natural textures, like wood or stone, are popular today. These materials are not only pleasant to touch but also easy to maintain - just wipe them down with a damp cloth.
Heavy furniture
Bulky furniture contributes to dust accumulation beneath and around it.
Choosing wall-mounted cabinets and floating tables simplifies cleaning, as a robot vacuum can easily fit underneath. Such furniture not only makes it easier to keep things clean but also visually expands the room.
Visual clutter
Clutter can be not only physical but also visual. Colorful items like magnets on the fridge or cosmetics in their original packaging create a sense of chaos.
To avoid this, embrace minimalism: keep only a few accent pieces of decor and store the rest in decorative containers or cabinets.
Lack of discipline
Clutter accumulates gradually. Regularly maintaining cleanliness a few times a week will help preserve a sense of order.
Carefully consider your storage system to avoid chaos - assign a convenient place for each item, so you won't have to scatter them around the house.
Earlier, we discussed six design mistakes in interior decor that can spoil the impression of a small kitchen.
The article is based on sources including Better Homes and Gardens, Bob Vila, and Forbes Home.