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5 peculiar technologies of 2024 that captivate and disturb

5 peculiar technologies of 2024 that captivate and disturb Unusual and strange inventions at CES 2024 exhibition (Collage: RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

Every January, Las Vegas becomes the center of technological innovations thanks to CES - the consumer electronics show that annually introduces numerous bold and cutting-edge technologies to the world. However, among them, you can also find inventions that make you wonder, "What's the point?"

RBC-Ukraine highlights five interesting but strange inventions of 2024, according to the Engadget blog, which covers news about technology and gadgets.

Wireless transparent OLED TV by LG

At the CES exhibition, LG showcased a 77-inch 4K OLED TV that was somehow made transparent. However, it turned out that this feature is not very practical for viewing, so it comes equipped with a retractable dimming curtain.

"I can imagine this used as an advertising screen or as an installation in a museum or corporate office. But why would you spend so much money on a TV where its key feature is an impediment to its proper function?" commented bloggers.

5 peculiar technologies of 2024 that captivate and disturbWireless transparent TV by LG (Photo: LG)

Kohler PureWash E930 with voice assistants

It comes equipped with the capabilities to work with Alexa and Google Home. Nevertheless, it seems unlikely that someone would be willing to pay over $2,000 to provide Amazon or Google with detailed information about their intimate habits.

5 peculiar technologies of 2024 that captivate and disturb

Bidet with voice assistants (photo: Engadget)

Smart lock Lockly Visage with facial recognition

The use of facial recognition technology for home access, as noted by Engadget, can turn into a real nightmare. Granting an external sensor complete control over one's home can pose burglary risks and create serious threats to privacy.

5 peculiar technologies of 2024 that captivate and disturbSmart lock that opens with facial scanning (photo: Engadget)

Electric bike Urtopia with ChatGPT

According to the developers, users can communicate with their companion through the chatbot, and artificial intelligence helps explore new routes and receive real-time information. However, some journalists believe that this feature is more likely to distract from the road than bring real benefits.

5 peculiar technologies of 2024 that captivate and disturbUrtopia electric bike with artificial intelligence (photo: Engadget)

Hyundai S-A2 air taxi

Hyundai unveiled the concept of a 'revolutionary' air taxi with vertical takeoff capability. Its maximum speed reaches 200 km/h, and the range is up to 65 kilometers on a single charge, which should be sufficient for short city flights.

However, the review authors argue that such flying transport likely won't find its place in the real world. In their opinion, people will prefer more reliable and affordable cars, without worrying about their safety.