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4 home remedies to remove bad shoe odor

4 home remedies to remove bad shoe odor How to remove unpleasant shoe odor (illustrative photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Footwear is an essential part of an everyday outfit, accompanying its owner to various places and absorbing odors just like clothing. While this is not the only reason why shoes can start to emit an unpleasant odor, it is quite easy to get rid of the problem.

Why shoes smell bad

First, it’s important to determine what causes the unpleasant odor. Sweat is not always a reason. Sometimes the smell comes from external contamination, such as on the soles.

In this case, you can clean the shoes thoroughly with wipes while wearing rubber gloves. However, if the shoes look clean visually, the issue might be different.

Each foot has an incredibly high number of sweat glands, more than any other part of the body.

Although sweat itself has no odor, problems arise when it accumulates inside your shoes. When you sweat, the interior of the shoe becomes an ideal moist, dark environment for bacteria to grow.

Bacteria then break down the substances in sweat, creating fluids that have an unpleasant odor. Since you can't stop foot perspiration, methods to eliminate shoe odor involve either removing the bacteria or absorbing the substances they produce.

How to get rid of shoe odor

Wipe with vinegar

White vinegar is very effective at killing bacteria and is a good way to get rid of shoe odor. However, pouring white vinegar directly onto the shoes might damage them.

Instead, soak a soft cloth or newspaper in vinegar, wring it out, and wipe the inside of the shoes. Make sure the vinegar dries completely before wearing the shoes.

Use rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol can also freshen up shoes by destroying bacteria. As with vinegar, use a sponge, cloth, or newspaper soaked in alcohol to wipe the shoes. Do not pour the solution directly into the shoes to avoid damaging them.

Sprinkle with baking soda

Baking soda is so effective at removing shoe odors that it's a key ingredient in many shoe deodorizing products.

It neutralizes pH levels and absorbs unpleasant smells. To use it for odor removal, sprinkle baking soda along the insoles of your shoes and leave it overnight. In the morning, shake out the baking soda and wipe the inside of the shoes with a dry cloth or wipe.

Place tea bags inside

A few fresh tea bags can help neutralize shoe odor and leave a pleasant earthy scent.

Tea leaves absorb moisture, preventing bacterial growth. To use tea bags for odor removal, place three or four unused tea bags inside the shoes and leave them in a dry, cool place for 24 hours.

By the way, we recently wrote about how to remove food odors from clothing.

Sources: Martha Stewart and Fresh Wave