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Will Russia intensify strikes on Ukraine amid increased production of D-30SN bombs: Expert’s opinion

Will Russia intensify strikes on Ukraine amid increased production of D-30SN bombs: Expert’s opinion Illustrative photo: Russian bombers regularly attack Ukraine (Getty Images)

Russia has increased the production of D-30SN glide bombs. However, this will not lead to a significantly higher number of strikes on Ukrainian cities, states aviation expert Valerii Romanenko in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

The expert reminded that strikes with aerial bombs require carriers, and the number of such carriers in Russia is not increasing at the same rate as the production of D-30SN bombs.

"This year, only two Su-57 aircraft were produced, although they were supposed to make around 10-15. So, they simply don't have enough carriers to increase the intensity of strikes," Romanenko explained.

He clarified that if Russia triples the production of such bombs, their stockpile will effectively increase threefold.

"There might be a 15-20% increase in usage due to the Su-57. But I don't expect three times as many bombs to be deployed against us," Romanenko said.

However, the expert added that even though there won't be a significant increase in strikes, the growing stockpile of such bombs in Russia is still a concerning development.


The D-30SN bombs differ from conventional guided aerial bombs (KABs) that the Russian forces use to target Ukrainian populated areas.

One of the main differences is their range. These bombs can reach targets at distances of up to 90 kilometers. In terms of power, they are comparable to the FAB-250, with a warhead weight of 100 kilograms.

For more details on such aerial bombs, refer to the material from RBC-Ukraine.