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Ukrainian officer on deployment of 11,000 North Korean soldiers to war: 'They need to be destroyed'

Ukrainian officer on deployment of 11,000 North Korean soldiers to war: 'They need to be destroyed' Illustrative photo: North Korea will send soldiers to the war against Ukraine (Getty Images)

North Korea will effectively send several brigades to fight against Ukraine. They will need to be destroyed, states in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel by officer Serhii Tsekhotskyi of the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade named after Yakiv Handziuk.

He pointed out that 11,000 North Korean soldiers, who, according to Chief of Defense Intelligence Kyrylo Budanov, will fight against Ukraine in November, make up three brigades.

"Yes, it's some force, some combat unit. But what does it change? Whether they are Buryats, Koreans, or Kadyrov's soldiers, they still need to be destroyed," the soldier added.

Deployment of North Korean soldiers to the war

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has repeatedly stated that the nature of military assistance from North Korea to Russia is changing. Now, North Korea has decided to send its soldiers to support the Russian occupiers in their war against Ukraine.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha today, October 18, emphasized to Ukraine's allies that this move effectively means North Korea is invading Europe.

The official called on Western countries to respond decisively and implement the victory plan presented by Zelenskyy.

According to RBC-Ukraine sources in the intelligence services, North Korean soldiers are already being trained at four training grounds in Russia.