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Russian top officers' dissatisfaction growing, Shoigu keeping the fire

Russian top officers' dissatisfaction growing, Shoigu keeping the fire Photo: Minister of Defense of Russia, Sergey Shoigu (

Dissatisfaction is growing among the Russian officer corps. Currently, there is an internal struggle in Russia between representatives of the FSB and the Ministry of Defense, said the Head of the Сenter of Military Law Researches, Oleksandr Musiienko, in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

Dissatisfaction is growing among their officer corps. But, it seems to me, there is an internal struggle in Russia between the FSB and the Ministry of Defense. And the military is beginning to gain more influence than ever in modern Russian history.

I believe that all these processes are being managed by Shoigu, in one way or another, who, using the disgruntled military, wants to convert this into his potential for a future political career. On the one hand, he tries to deal with them, suppress the dissenters, and on the other hand make arrangements with those who are more loyal, so that they will be useful to him and provide support in the future.

Undoubtedly, it is important for Russian generals to preserve their influence and resources and not become victims of repression. But in the past, the military in Russia was always the lowest caste, and now they are increasingly asserting their rights, claiming that they should have influence. This trend is becoming more noticeable now because there is a serious struggle for a post-Putin Russia. Shoigu has serious ambitions, and he needs to strengthen the military hierarchy and boost the image of the military. Against this background, he aims to elevate himself, demonstrating that he can be a leader after Putin.