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Africa's opening: What Ukraine offers and what it will gain from the continent

Africa's opening: What Ukraine offers and what it will gain from the continent Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (Photo: Vitali Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)

In his column for RBC-Ukraine, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba shared insights about his second tour of African countries, emphasizing the continent's significance for Ukraine and outlining the country's proposals for the region.

Last fall marked a historic event as the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs embarked on the first-ever tour of the African continent, encompassing Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Kenya. This tour successfully strengthened the international coalition in support of Ukraine, mobilized additional voices for an important UN General Assembly resolution, identified new directions for economic cooperation, and sought potential business partnerships for Ukrainian exporters, all while countering the Russian propaganda that historically dominated this space.

In short, the first tour yielded positive results and opened new horizons, marking the beginning of a Ukrainian-African renaissance.

Under President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's leadership, the pursuit of new horizons has become foundational to Ukrainian diplomacy. The head of state personally engages extensively with African, Asian, and Latin American countries that, unfortunately, received insufficient attention in the past. This global diplomacy strengthens Ukraine during times of war and elevates the country's influence on the international stage.

This week, I embark on my second diplomatic tour to African countries to build upon the diplomatic successes achieved last year in Africa.

We have already engaged in direct discussions with African partners, bypassing intermediaries, and laid the foundation for a fundamentally new stage of relations based on three principles: mutual respect, mutual interests, and mutual benefits. Ukraine does not approach Africa with mere calls to condemn Russian aggression or requests for weapons. We have come not to ask but to see what they have and offer something of our own.

The geography of my second tour will not be limited to Sub-Saharan Africa as it was in the fall; it will include countries across the entire continent, from north to south.

Africa’s opening is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' deliberate strategy. Through our actions, we demonstrate that Ukraine's engagement in Africa is serious and long-term.

The Global South’s weight is growing

The current fashionable division between the Global South and the North is artificial. Countries in the southern regions hold different positions on key issues, belong to various alliances, and uphold different values. Grouping them under the general term "Global South" is incorrect. Furthermore, the stereotype that the North supports Ukraine while the South supports Russia is even more erroneous. Russia perpetuates such myths, although the voting results at the UN General Assembly over the past year entirely debunk them.

At the same time, this term has already become an established cliché, making it impossible to escape from it.

Regions of the world commonly referred to as the "Global South," including Africa, are gaining fundamentally new weight in the global architecture of influence and the global economy.

Africa may seem distant and incomprehensible to Ukrainians. However, in reality, Africa is diverse and living a modern life. I have always stated and continue to emphasize that Ukraine's interests are everywhere: in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, the Pacific Islands, and Asia. We just need to discover and implement them. To do this, we must permanently rid ourselves of the inferiority complex in foreign policy, such as the notions that "nobody is waiting for us there" or "we should deal with our own problems first."

Ukraine has much to offer African partners and other countries of the Global South: goods and services, including food supplies and medicines, high-tech equipment, education, our knowledge and specialists, our expertise in digitization, countering full-scale aggression, and addressing related challenges, as well as diplomatic experience.

Only Ukrainian diplomats can open the door to Africa. Our goal is to establish a foundation of trust, and contacts, convey necessary messages and arguments, and demonstrate shared interests and win-win positions. We are working on this 24/7 in every corner of the world. Specialists from other government agencies, businesses, and Ukrainian citizens follow in our footsteps.

Ukraine's course toward intensive exploration of new horizons began even before the start of the full-scale invasion, but it became particularly noticeable this May. The President embarked on an extremely successful European tour, followed almost immediately by a trip to Saudi Arabia for the Arab League summit, and the next day he headed to Asia to participate in the G7 summit in Japan. I made history by becoming the first Ukrainian Foreign Minister to visit Guatemala in ten years, marking the first visit to Latin America. I also participated in the Caribbean Community Summit for the first time. From there, I traveled to Sweden, where I held negotiations not only with European colleagues but also with ministers from the Indo-Pacific region. Now, I am embarking on my second tour of Africa.

The unprecedented international activity of Volodymyr Zelenskyy's diplomatic team this month is measured in hundreds of thousands of kilometers, hundreds of successful negotiations, and, most importantly, tangible results for strengthening Ukraine on the international stage and fortifying our troops ahead of the counteroffensive.

Moreover, we are not only talking about visits but also about expanding diplomatic presence. In 2023, we plan to open a number of new embassies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

All this work is based on a long-term strategic vision. We are working not only for victory in the war but also for Ukraine's leadership in the post-war world, opening new horizons for business and citizens.

What will be the results?

In developing relations with the African continent, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advocates for heavy and systematic work. This is not a fashionable trend, mainstream, or hype, but a strategic course toward an African-Ukrainian renaissance that will bring benefits to Ukraine and our African colleagues.

Our team consistently implements the priorities of the African Strategy developed by the Ukrainian MFA, increasing Ukrainian influence in the region, building win-win partnerships, and opening new external markets for Ukrainian exporters.

The first tour was a case. The second is already a system.

What specific results will Ukraine achieve in the end? What added value does our country offer to Africa?

Ukraine aspires to a just world and proactively works toward its achievement. The key priority of my bilateral negotiations will be to promote President Zelenskyy's Peace Formula and involve African countries in its implementation. The war is being fought in Ukraine, on our territory, so it is logical that the path to peace should rely on the Ukrainian formula.

Ukraine is a guarantor of Africa's food security. Our country is a reliable partner that makes a significant contribution to overcoming the global food crisis. Despite Moscow's attempts to resume hunger games with the world, we, together with our partners, protected the Black Sea Grain Initiative. Ukraine is also implementing the humanitarian food program Grain from Ukraine.

During negotiations with African partners, we will discuss expanding the volumes and range of Ukrainian agricultural product exports. This will bring money to Ukrainian businesses and important tax revenues to our military economy, ensuring political stability on the African continent.

Ukraine is a powerful and promising economic partner with a unique offering. Ukraine's advantages go beyond food. African countries need other important goods, including pharmaceuticals, as well as technology and digital solutions, all of which Ukraine can offer. It is important to establish the infrastructure of agreements and partnerships that will unlock the potential for cooperation by 100%.

The MFA successfully develops and strengthens the NAZOVNI platform, which serves as a tool to support Ukrainian exporters. Through NAZOVNI, every Ukrainian entrepreneur willing to create jobs and bring currency into the Ukrainian economy can receive assistance from our diplomats in accessing external markets. The MFA has already opened new opportunities beyond Ukraine for more than 1,300 Ukrainian companies.

Protecting the interests of Ukrainian businesses and opening new opportunities for Ukrainian exporters will be at the center of my second tour.

The key to Ukraine's victory and post-war leadership

Further diplomatic efforts in Africa bring a range of advantages. It consolidates further peace around Ukraine's victory, strengthens the country's strategic positions on the international stage, secures multimillion-dollar contracts and unprecedented opportunities for Ukrainian businesses, supports Ukraine's military economy, eradicates the last hideouts for Russian terrorists, and isolates Moscow on the world stage.

All of this should have been done ten years ago. But at this latest stage, Ukrainian diplomacy is moving swiftly to ensure powerful results and reclaim what has been lost.

There is no need to ask where we will be welcomed; we must go and find new friends and open new horizons. We need to move on a large, systematic, and persistent scale. Opening doors for Ukrainian businesses in Africa, Australia, and the Caribbean islands alike. We are working for results, strengthening Ukraine's economy. We will turn diplomatic contacts into new contracts and revenue for the budget. A robust economy will become steel armor that will protect our country from the aggressor.

This is meticulous work that our diplomats will continue to carry out. Defending and promoting Ukraine's interests in all regions of the world is one of the keys to the victory of our country in the war and its leadership role in the post-war world.