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Zelenskyy urges India to join Peace Summit Communiqué

Zelenskyy urges India to join Peace Summit Communiqué Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited India to join the Peace Summit communiqué. This happened during a meeting with the new Ambassador of the Republic of India Ravi Shankar, according to the website of the President of Ukraine.

Today, during the meeting, Zelenskyy congratulated the Ambassador of India on the beginning of his diplomatic mission in Ukraine. The Head of State thanked India for joining the promotion of the Peace Formula and participating in the first Peace Summit.

At the same time, the President expressed hope that India would join the Peace Summit communiqué.

"The parties also discussed trade and economic cooperation as well as other promising areas of bilateral interaction," the website reports.

Peace Summit

In mid-June this year, the first Global Peace Summit was held in Switzerland at the initiative of Ukraine. In total, delegations from 92 countries and 8 global organizations took part in the Summit.

Following the Summit, most participants signed the final declaration of the Peace Summit. In particular, 80 countries and 4 organizations signed it.

However, India, Brazil, Thailand, and several other countries did not sign the communiqué.

It should be noted that any country can join the document even after the summit is over.