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Zelenskyy's visit to Israel was planned but postponed - Ambassador

Zelenskyy's visit to Israel was planned but postponed - Ambassador Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had planned to visit Israel, but the trip was postponed at the initiative of the Ukrainian side, according to the Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine, Michael Brodsky, in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

Brodsky expressed gratitude for President Zelenskyy's call to world leaders to show solidarity with Israel following the events of October 7.

"We appreciate the president's call, made immediately after October 7, for world leaders to come to Israel and show their solidarity," he said.

However, according to the ambassador, the Ukrainian president has yet to visit Israel.

"Unfortunately, the president himself has not yet visited Israel. We hope that this visit will eventually take place. We would be happy to welcome President Zelenskyy to Israel at any time," Brodsky added.

The ambassador also mentioned that there are no specific dates for the visit at this time, as the previously scheduled date was postponed at the initiative of the Ukrainian side.

Brodsky also highlighted Ukraine's support and emphasized the importance of public opinion, which is pro-Israel.

"Ukraine's stance has definitely been noted, as well as its support. Aas I have said in many interviews, Ukraine is one of the most pro-Israel countries in Europe. Moreover, we feel this at all levels, and what is particularly important, we feel it in terms of Ukrainian public opinion, which is definitely on Israel's side," the ambassador said.

Zelenskyy's visit to Israel

After the October 7 attack by Hamas militants on Israel, Volodymyr Zelenskyy sought to consider the possibility of visiting the country to express his solidarity.

Later, Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky said that the president could visit Israel at any time, but there was no confirmed date.

However, Zelenskyy's visit to Israel has been delayed indefinitely amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine. The president explained that his visit to the country depends on many factors.