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Zelenskyy responds to Trump’s claim of ending war in 24 hours

Zelenskyy responds to Trump’s claim of ending war in 24 hours Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

In an interview with the BBC, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on US presidential candidate Donald Trump's old claim that he could end Russia's war with Ukraine in 24 hours.

Zelenskyy says that everyone would be very happy if the war could be ended so quickly, but the question is at what cost and who will pay it.

In his opinion, Ukraine would have to pay for it.

Zelenskyy states that it would mean simply stopping, giving up the territories, and forgetting. He explains that sanctions would be lifted, Putin would get the land, and he would claim it as a victory. Zelenskyy asserts that Ukraine would never do that.

Trump's statements

Trump has repeatedly said that if elected president, he could stop Russia's war against Ukraine.

The day before, he said he could stop any war with a phone call. He said that under George W. Bush, Russia invaded Georgia, under Barack Obama, Russia took Crimea, and under the current US administration, Russia wants to take all of Ukraine. Trump added that when he was in the White House, Russia took nothing.

As is usually the case, Trump's statements do not always correspond to the facts. For this reason, US President Joe Biden accused Trump of lying.

On July 19, Trump and Zelenskyy are scheduled to have a phone conversation amid concerns in Europe about what Trump's war policy will be if elected president.