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Trump says he can stop wars with phone call

Trump says he can stop wars with phone call US presidential candidate Donald Trump (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

US presidential candidate Donald Trump said that he could stop any war with a phone call, citing a broadcast from Voice of America.

Notably, in his final speech at the Republican Party convention, Trump addressed the issue of the war in Ukraine and other recent conflicts.

According to him, with a victory in the November elections, "years of war, weakness, and chaos will be over." Trump claimed that during his tenure, there were no wars except against ISIS, and he would stop all wars with a phone call.

"I could stop wars with a telephone call. I could stop wars with just a telephone call," Trump said.

During his speech, he also mentioned that under George Bush, Russia invaded Georgia; under Barack Obama, Russia took Crimea; and under the current US administration, Russia wants to take all of Ukraine. Trump added that while he was in the White House, Russia took nothing. Both Russia and China feared him.

"I will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created - including the horrible war with Russia and Ukraine," Trump said.

Meanwhile, CNN said that the former US president mistakenly claimed that during his tenure the world was at peace. The outlet writes that when Trump left office in early 2021, there were dozens of unresolved wars and armed conflicts. Specifically:

  • US troops were still deployed on combat missions in Afghanistan and Iraq;
  • Civil wars continued in Syria, Yemen, and Somalia, as well as the war in the Tigray region of Ethiopia;
  • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict persisted, as did conflicts between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, Israel and Syria, and Israel and Iran;
  • Islamist insurgents continued fighting in the Sahel region of Africa;
  • There was significant violence in the prolonged drug wars in Mexico;
  • Fighting continued in the Donbas region of Ukraine.

Today, July 19, a phone call is scheduled between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This conversation will take place amid European concerns about what Trump's policy on the war in Ukraine would be if he wins the presidential election.

Previously, RBC-Ukraine reported that Trump officially announced his intention to run for the US presidency from the Republican Party. This marks his third nomination.