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Zelenskyy presents victory plan to Macron and announces Peace Summit in November

Zelenskyy presents victory plan to Macron and announces Peace Summit in November Photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron (Getty Images)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented Ukraine's victory plan to his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron during his visit to France, according to a briefing in the courtyard of the Elysee Palace.

"Today, I shared with Emmanuel Macron our plans, victory plan, and other... situation on the battlefield," Zelenskyy explained.

He also addressed journalists' questions regarding preparations for the upcoming Peace Summit.

"The next Peace Summit has to be in November. The plan will be on the table. And I don't know the date, so I think nobody knows for today, but we will prepare everything what we decided," the head of state emphasized.

It is worth noting that on October 10, the President of Ukraine arrived in France, where he has already met with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron.

Additionally, ahead of the second Peace Summit, Ukraine is preparing a peace plan that it intends to present to Russia. This document will be based on the implementation of each of the ten points of the peace formula.