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Zelenskyy on what will happen if partners do not back victory plan

Zelenskyy on what will happen if partners do not back victory plan President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

Refusal by Western countries to support the victory plan would be a major mistake. Ukraine will continue to fight, but it will be much more difficult in that case, citing President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a press conference after the European Council meeting.

"What will happen if our partners don’t provide us with the necessary components or don’t support the plan?" the president asked, noting that the plan includes weapons, an invitation to NATO, and economic strengthening.

According to him, the plan outlines that Ukraine will receive investments, and resources will be protected, ensuring they do not fall into the hands of Russia or its allies.

"If we don’t receive this support, it will be very difficult. This would be a privilege from the world to Russia. Ukraine's weakness is Russia's strength. And I think it would be a big mistake," Zelenskyy said.

The president added that the NATO invitation, as well as a deterrence package, including long-range weapons, can be provided to Ukraine preemptively.

"This isn’t yet NATO membership. Yes, it’s an invitation, but it’s a sign that we will be there and that Ukraine is not alone. And with weapons, with a missile package, before deploying this package, there is always the opportunity to send a signal: 'Let’s stop the war,' 'stop the war.' And if you don’t want to stop it, then we have the strength to stop you," the president said.

In response to a clarifying question about whether the failure to fulfill the victory plan’s components, such as an invitation to NATO, would prevent a second peace summit, Zelenskyy replied:

"No, that’s not the case. We are preparing for the summit in any case. The question is only when all our partners want Russia and its representatives to be part of the second peace summit, alongside the document prepared on all points of the formula. In my view, Ukraine must be strong there. And what happens if we don’t receive the NATO invitation? We will still fight. We will still defend our interests and our rights. But in parallel, we will also prepare the second summit," Zelenskyy said.

However, as the president remarked, Ukraine’s position at the second summit, once everything is prepared and Russian representatives are present, will be "much weaker."

It’s worth recalling that on October 16, President Zelenskyy presented Ukraine's victory plan to the Verkhovna Rada, consisting of five points. These points were made public for the first time: the first is an invitation to NATO, the second is strengthening Ukraine’s defense, the third is deterring Russia, the fourth is protecting Ukraine’s strategic potential, and the fifth is involving the Ukrainian army in European defense after the war.

Zelenskyy already presented the plan in Washington, and on October 17, he will present it to EU leaders and NATO defense ministers in Brussels.