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Zelenskyy on victory plan: Once implemented, we’ll see Russia at the peace summit

Zelenskyy on victory plan: Once implemented, we’ll see Russia at the peace summit Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Once Ukraine's victory plan is fully implemented, Russia could be present at the peace summit. One could also then say that the peace formula is realized, says President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the third parliamentary summit of the Crimea Platform.

"When and if the victory plan is fully implemented, we will see Russia at the peace summit. We will see the peace formula realized, and we will see the full restoration of the goals and principles of the UN Charter," said the head of state.

Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine's victory plan was designed to leave Russia without alternatives other than a just peace.

The first point of the plan is about geopolitics and inviting Ukraine to NATO, the second is defense, and the third is deterring Russia. The fourth point of Ukraine's plan involves economic cooperation, while the fifth concerns security.

"Russia avoids true diplomacy and does not want to return what was stolen, but they must be forced to do so. This means strengthening Ukraine and our common positions," the head of state added.

Ukraine's victory plan

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented the victory plan last week in the parliament, Verkhovna Rada. The plan consists of five points and three secret annexes. It includes a swift invitation to NATO.

Zelenskyy also presented the plan to US President Joe Biden, two presidential candidates, and European leaders.

Not all leaders fully agreed with Ukraine's victory plan. For example, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz rejected two key points of the victory plan.