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Zelenskyy on victory plan: It does not cancel Peace Summit, but strengthens Ukraine's position

Zelenskyy on victory plan: It does not cancel Peace Summit, but strengthens Ukraine's position Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (

The plan for Ukraine's victory does not cancel the intention to hold a Peace Summit. Such an initiative is necessary to strengthen the country's position, according to a statement by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a conversation with the heads of communities in the Sumy region.

The head of state stated that the victory plan is essential to compel Russia to reach a diplomatic resolution to the war. Therefore, Ukraine must have a strong position.

According to him, if allies truly want Ukraine to win, this needs to be supported by actions, not just words.

"The victory plan does not cancel the Peace Summit; it actually strengthens it significantly. This is the tactic — Ukraine must come to any summit as strong as possible. We believe this can be achieved in the coming months," Zelenskyy explained.

The president noted that after presenting the victory plan, Ukraine "may hear something from partners."

"There could be some steps forward. We will see. We will definitely communicate some things to the public, possibly without detailing the weapons," Zelenskyy clarified.

What preceded it

Ukraine has only recently completed work on the victory plan. This initiative was presented by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his visit to the US to President Joe Biden, as well as to presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

The full details of the victory plan are currently unknown. However, according to the head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, the initiative will be presented to the Ukrainian public.

Commenting on the victory plan, the US State Department emphasized that it contains productive steps. Discussions on this issue will continue, the American agency clarified.

For more details on the victory plan, see the material from RBC-Ukraine.