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President Zelenskyy's plan for Ukraine's victory and what it envisages

President Zelenskyy's plan for Ukraine's victory and what it envisages President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to unveil a plan for Ukraine's victory during his ongoing visit to the United States.

RBC-Ukraine reports what is known about this plan, on which Ukraine is placing a very high bet.


The various aspects of the victory plan have been discussed repeatedly by President Zelenskyy himself and other representatives of the Ukrainian government.

According to the head of state, the victory plan is needed to compel Russia to negotiate, and specifically on Kyiv's terms. It is designed to prompt quick decisions from partners and will work if they materialize within the next two months.

"Primarily, decisions regarding the plan depend on him (US President Joe Biden), but also on other allies," he said during a joint briefing with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on September 20.

"This plan is about creating an atmosphere and situation in which we can disregard what is in Putin's mind. It is intended to ensure that Russia is genuinely compelled to sit at the negotiating table and accept the end of this war on terms that are acceptable to Ukraine. Our conditions are clear—they are all described in President Zelenskyy's Peace Formula," said Andrii Yermak, head of the President's Office, on September 15.

Plan components

In an interview with NBC News, President Zelenskyy said that the victory plan involves maximizing Ukraine's defensive capabilities and creating conditions for ending the war with Russia. He noted that this plan is structured to be implemented with the support of international partners rather than relying on Russia's will.

The plan has military, political, diplomatic, and economic components, as well as an additional element that will be activated after combat operations conclude. For each step, there is a clear list of points outlining exactly what is needed, ensuring that "nothing is impossible," as Zelenskyy says.

According to the head of state, the first point specifies Ukraine's unequivocal place in the global security architecture.

According to Le Monde, Zelenskyy hopes to receive an invitation from Biden for Ukraine to join NATO before the US president completes his term. This is part of the "victory plan." Similar information was later released by Bloomberg. The Times notes that among the plan's points is also a request for Western security guarantees similar to the mutual defense pact established under NATO membership.

"The second point, without details, is that the Kursk operation is indeed part of the plan, its second point. The third point is related to the specific strengthening of Ukraine concerning weaponry. Next is a point related to the economy. Let's say, our joint economic development. Another point is related not to the economy, but rather to future savings. In other words, today you are helping us implement this plan, and in the future, Ukraine will save you many of your resources," the president said during a conversation with Ukrainian journalists.

Adviser to the President's Office Mykhailo Podolyak previously elaborated in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel that the military package will be structured according to the current phase of the war and the analysis of what is happening in the Kursk region in terms of the use of domestic weaponry.

According to Bloomberg, this involves US commitments to ongoing supplies of modern weapons.

The economic incentive, according to Podolyak, is to compel Russia to adequately perceive reality. "This includes increasing substantial investments in military production in Ukraine, as well as auditing sanctions against Russia," Podolyak said.

Another component is diplomatic pressure on Russia. This step is a separate topic, as it requires engagement with neutral countries, particularly in the Global South.

Also included in the plan, according to Podolyak, is political pressure on Russia, which means that Ukraine independently chooses its role in the global political process and has the right to be a member of any alliance. Bloomberg clarifies that this point outlines a clear path to Ukraine's membership in the European Union.

Plan implementation

President Zelenskyy plans to present the victory plan to current US President Joe Biden, as well as presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

However, the victory plan may be particularly beneficial for the Democratic candidate and current Vice President, as sources within the government of Ukraine have said.

Overall, the winning rhetoric for both candidates is that the war needs to be stopped. While Trump is currently leveraging his charisma on this issue, promising to get everyone to the negotiating table, Harris has not made such statements. Thus, Zelenskyy could provide her with several key points for her campaign. In Trump's case, it might only involve adjusting his position.

Simultaneously with the victory plan, preparations are underway for a second peace summit. The logic is to compel Russia to participate by increasing pressure on it. In this context, the crucial factor for changing the situation on the front remains the permission to strike deep into Russia with American weaponry.

Moreover, a key aspect of the victory plan is the element of time. Between the election day on November 5 and the inauguration on January 20, a window of opportunity arises for Joe Biden to make a "farewell gift" to Ukraine before leaving office. If this does not happen, there is a risk of worsening Ukraine's situation.

The new US president will be occupied with domestic affairs—from resolving budget issues with Congress to forming a team—not to mention the risk of ongoing political contention if one of the candidates does not concede defeat.

In this context, the victory plan represents an attempt to predefine Western policy towards Russia and ensure its execution "in a working order," regardless of what happens at the political top levels.

If Joe Biden does not support Ukraine's victory plan, it could lead to a very prolonged war with a high number of casualties.

Zelenskyy said in an interview with The New Yorker that this is a horrifying thought and it would mean that Biden does not want to end the war in a way that deprives Russia of victory.

It is noteworthy that this week, President Zelenskyy began his visit to the US. In addition to presenting the victory plan to Joe Biden, the head of state plans to address the UN General Assembly and meet with several other world leaders.