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Zelenskyy on Ukrainian frontline losses: Changes are not positive

Zelenskyy on Ukrainian frontline losses: Changes are not positive Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine is currently not disclosing information about military casualties, but the numbers are not decreasing, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his interview for BBC.

Speaking about casualties among the Ukrainian military at the front, Zelenskyy said that he sees changes in the number of deaths every day.

“I know how many people we lose every day. This is a very important issue for me. And I see these changes every day, unfortunately. And they are not positive. They are not fewer,” the president said.

At the same time, the head of state refused to name the exact number of losses, “so that the Russians know all the information.”

When asked how much longer Ukraine could suffer such losses, Zelenskyy said that it depends primarily on the morale of the military, as well as on the morale of the people who work to ensure that the military has money and salaries.

“It depends on the unity between the military and civilians in Ukraine,” he emphasized.

The Head of State also emphasized that everything was being done to minimize losses on the Ukrainian side.

“That is why the difference between the killed and wounded between us and the Russians is very big. If we have one killed for 6-8 wounded, they have one in three, one in two. This shows that they are not fighting for the survival of their people, they are leaving them on the battlefield,” he said.

Yesterday the Ministry of Defense introduced 4 levels of first aid for the military.

The Ministry of Defense has also recently authorized a new domestically produced medical armored vehicle, Kozak-5MED, for use in the Armed Forces.
Its main purpose is to evacuate wounded and injured soldiers from the battlefield.