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Zelenskyy on Trump: If he knows how to finish this war, he should tell us today

Zelenskyy on Trump: If he knows how to finish this war, he should tell us today Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)

If the US presidential candidate Donald Trump knows how to end the war, he should speak about it today, says Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Bloomberg.

As Zelenskyy noted, Trump should present his plan for a quick end to the war in Ukraine. At the same time, he warned that any proposals should not violate Ukraine's sovereignty.

"If Trump knows how to finish this war, he should tell us today. If there are risks to Ukrainian independence, if we lose statehood – we want to be ready for this, we want to know," he added.

The President also noted that he was "potentially ready" to meet with Trump to hear proposals for ending the war.

"They can’t plan my life and life of our people and our children. We want to understand whether in November we will have the powerful support of the US, or will be all alone," he noted.

Trump's peace plan

In general, the Republican has repeatedly stated that he plans to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible. However, his conditions have not been fair to Kyiv.

As Politico reported, Trump is currently considering the possibility of concluding an agreement that would oblige NATO not to expand eastward - particularly to Ukraine and Georgia. He is also negotiating with Vladimir Putin about which Ukrainian territories Russia could keep under its control in exchange for ending the full-scale war.

At the same time, according to Reuters, Trump planned that the US would provide support to Ukraine only if Kyiv agreed to dialogue with Russia. In particular, Washington would warn the Kremlin that a refusal to negotiate from the Russian side would lead to increased assistance to Ukraine.