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Zelenskyy offers India to hold Peace Summit, but with condition

Zelenskyy offers India to hold Peace Summit, but with condition Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has proposed that India host the next Peace Summit. However, this would require New Delhi to join the communiqué of the first summit, which was held in Switzerland, according to an interview with the President given to Indian media.

"As for the Peace Summit, I truly believe that the second Peace Summit should be held in one of the Global South countries. We are very open. I will tell you that there are countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey with which we are negotiating about the second Peace Summit," he stated.

Zelenskyy mentioned that he shared the idea with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about hosting the Peace Summit in India.

"This is the largest democracy in the world. But I want to be honest. This concerns not only India but any country that is positively inclined towards hosting the second summit," he added.

The President noted that Ukraine will not be able to hold the summit in a country that has not joined the communiqué of the Peace Summit.

"We will not be able to hold the Peace Summit in a country that has not yet joined the communiqué of the summit. I think you understand this. No one is pressuring anyone, but it is logical," he emphasized.

Peace Summit

This summer, with the support of its partners, Ukraine held the first Peace Summit, to which representatives of Russia were not invited. Participants discussed the peace formula proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Ukraine hopes that if Russia participates in the second Peace Summit, it will be presented with a peace plan that Kyiv intends to develop in collaboration with other countries.