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Zelenskyy meets Scholz, Hague court begins hearing Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia - Monday brief

Zelenskyy meets Scholz, Hague court begins hearing Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia - Monday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Meanwhile, hearings on Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia in maritime law began in The Hague.

Read more about what happened on Monday, September 23.

Zelenskyy meets with Scholz in New York

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Zelenskyy revealed that he and Scholz discussed how to bring a just peace closer and maintain unity.

"Our peace formula is designed for this, and we successfully held the first Peace Summit. Now we are preparing for the second one. This is a real platform to ensure the full restoration of security for Ukraine and all of Europe," Zelenskyy said.

Court in Hague starts reviewing Ukraine's lawsuit regarding Crimean Bridge

In The Hague, hearings have begun regarding Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia in the field of maritime law. Ukraine demands the dismantling of the Crimean Bridge and the cessation of other illegal actions by Russia in the Black and Azov Seas.

Russian army receives Kh-BPLA missile: What makes it unique and how it is used

The Russian army has received a supply of another batch of weapons, which includes the Kh-BPLA missile for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Russia began developing the Kh-BPLA missile in 2021, which is an aviation version of the Kornet-D anti-tank missile. Russia claims that the Kh-BPLA is intended for use with several reconnaissance-strike drones, such as the Orion, Forpost, and Altius.

Defense Intelligence of Ukraine hackers attacked 2 Russian banks

Russian Agricultural Bank and Credit Bank of Moscow have been subjected to a hacker attack. The hacking was carried out by cyber specialists from the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, according to sources in the Ukrainian special services.

These banks currently have disrupted their websites, no access to internet banking services, and mobile applications are down. At the same time, the technical services of the banks cannot yet even estimate when the stable operation of the services will be restored.

The Netherlands looks for Patriot battery elements for Ukraine

The Netherlands has so far supplied Ukraine with a Patriot battery radar system and will soon deliver three launchers. The search for other elements in other countries continues, according to Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans.

Brekelmans refuses to name the country that has slowed down the delivery of the Patriot battery to Ukraine.

Russian troops advance in Kharkiv region - British intelligence

Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region remains the main direction of the Russian offensive. But they are also advancing in the Kharkiv region, according to the British Ministry of Defense.

Russian troops have advanced west of the village of Pishchane in the northeastern Kharkiv region. They now occupy a small salient 3.5 km from the Oskil River.

It is likely that Russian forces aim to reach the eastern bank of the Oskil River to use as a natural defensive barrier and set conditions for future operations.

Ukraine in Hague accuses Russia of restricting navigation in Azov Sea and Kerch Strait

Russia is deliberately restricting international shipping in the Sea of Azov to take control of it and the Kerch Strait. Russia illegally constructed the Kerch Bridge, which has become a constant barrier for shipping, particularly for large international vessels transporting Ukrainian goods, according to Ukraine's Ambassador-at-Large for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Anton Korynevych, during a court hearing in The Hague.