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Zelenskyy meets Macron at NATO summit: Key discussions

Zelenskyy meets Macron at NATO summit: Key discussions Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Emmanuel Macron (

The President of Ukraine met with the President of France on the sidelines of the NATO summit, which took place in Washington from July 9-11, according to Zelenskyy on Telegram.

"Discussed the implementation of the Peace Summit decisions, as well as the preparation of the next defense package, security cooperation, and training of our military," Zelenskyy wrote.

He thanked Macron and the French people "for their principled and unwavering support."

NATO summit

During the NATO summit in Washington, Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with several leaders of NATO member countries. In particular, he spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

In addition, Zelenskyy held a meeting with representatives of US defense companies.

The NATO summit approved the final declaration without inviting Ukraine to join. The communiqué reiterates that an invitation to join can only be sent to Ukraine "when Allies agree and conditions are met."

However, the text includes a phrase about the "irreversibility" of Ukraine's NATO membership.

During the summit, it was announced that additional Patriot systems would be provided to Ukraine and that F-16 aircraft were already on their way to Ukraine.

Moreover, a basic military aid package for Ukraine amounting to 40 billion euros per year was agreed upon.